As of my last knowledge update in January 2023, Technijian is an IT services company based in Irvine, Orange County, California.

They specialize in providing a range of IT solutions and services to businesses. While I don’t have real-time information

For the most accurate and up-to-date information about Technijian’s services, I recommend visiting their official website or contacting them directly. Company websites often provide detailed information about their offerings, team, and recent updates.


Risk Manager

Navigators of Uncertainty: The Critical Role of Risk Manager in Business

, Ravi Jain
In the ever-changing business landscape, companies face a wide array of risks, from natural disasters and cyber threats to fluctuations in the market and evolving regulations. These risks can interrupt business operations, damage reputations, and result in significant financial setbacks. This is where risk manager come into play—they are the strategic guardians whose primary responsibility is to guide organizations through these uncertainties, helping them not just to survive, but to prosper.  ...Read More
Phishing scams

Phishing Scams: How to Spot Them and Protect Yourself 

, Ravi Jain
In today's world, it's not just about having the best technology. You also need to be smart about how you use it. Phishing scams are becoming more and more common. These scams try to trick you into giving away your personal information or downloading dangerous software. If you're not careful, you could lose a lot of money or even have your identity stolen.  This blog post will explain what phishing scams are, how to spot them, and how to protect yourself. We'll also share how Technijian Managed IT Services, especially those within Orange County, can give you an extra layer of security.  ...Read More
Patch management

Patch Management 101: Why It’s Critical for Compliance 

, Ravi Jain
In today's digital world, businesses run on technology. From computers and servers to the software you use every day, it all needs to be secure and up to date. That's where patch management comes in. It might sound technical, but it's a simple concept that's very important for protecting your business. ...Read More
Trojan Horse

Trojan Horse Alert: How Malwarebytes Shields Your Systems 

, Ravi Jain
In today's digital world, businesses are constantly battling cyber threats. One of the most dangerous is the Trojan horse, a type of malware that disguises itself as helpful software. Once inside your system, a Trojan can wreak havoc, stealing data, destroying files, and even taking control of your computers. That's why it's important to have a robust defense in place, and Malwarebytes is one of the most powerful tools available.  ...Read More

5 Steps to Ransomware-Proof Your Business Continuity Plan Against Cyberattacks

, Ravi Jain
Cybercrime is a very real threat, and ransomware is one of its scariest forms. Ransomware is like someone breaking into your business, taking your files hostage, and demanding a huge amount of money before they give them back! A ransomware attack can stop your whole company from working, costing you a lot of money and ruining your reputation. Don't let this happen to you – there are steps you can take to protect your business. Your business continuity plan is your key to surviving a ransomware attack, and you need to make it as strong as possible.  ...Read More