Technijian Saves Businesses Thousands On IT

A Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is a critical role for businesses in the modern world.

They’re responsible for overseeing the major strategic and long-term plans for your organization’s IT.

Unfortunately, hiring an experienced CTO on a small business salary is difficult—the current average salary for a CTO in the US is $254,000.

That’s why this client hired Technijian’s Ravi Jain to act as their interim CTO as they transitioned to a new IT company. In his time with this client, Ravi helped them avoid thousands of dollars in IT expenses that they would have had to pay otherwise.

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Technijian Saves Thousands

This Client Needed Help Managing Their IT Transition

This client first got in touch with Technijian to inquire about managed IT services. While we did not end up winning the bid on their contract, the client was impressed with Ravi and the team. They recognized our expertise and experience and decided to hire Ravi on retainer to act as CTO while the new IT company transitioned.

That’s when the problems began…

The Client Encountered A Critical Email Backup Issue

It wasn’t long before the client encountered a key issue. They realized they were unable to back up their email servers, putting them at serious risk of losing an invaluable record of their ongoing business communications.

With thousands of emails at stake, the client asked their incoming IT company what to do. The new IT company gave the client two options:

  1. Pay $3000 for new licenses for the backup solution
  2. Pay $100,000 for a new set of servers

Obviously, neither of these choices was particularly attractive to the client. That’s why they got in touch with Ravi and the Technijian team.

How Technijian Solved This Client’s Email Backup Problem

The client still had Ravi on retainer as their outsourced CTO, so they asked him to visit on-site and have a look at the problem. Within a few hours, Ravi determined the source of the issue and fixed it, as simple as that.

Thanks to our help, this client didn’t have to go with either of the much more expensive options given to them by their incoming IT company. They were able to save their money and fix their problem, all thanks to having Technijian act as their outsourced CTO.

Technijian Delivers Business-Driven CTO Expertise

This is a key quality of the IT expertise we deliver as our clients’ outsourced CTO. We don’t expect our clients to throw money at their IT problems until they go away; we always help them find the solutions that best align with their business purposes, long-term goals, and budget.

We like to call this “Business-Driven” CTO support. Technijian helps by focusing on the client’s business first.

Having an experienced technology professional in your corner provides you and your organization with a key technology advisor

Get in touch with Technijian to start strategizing your IT today.

Ravi JainAuthor posts

Technijian was founded in November of 2000 by Ravi Jain with the goal of providing technology support for small to midsize companies. As the company grew in size, it also expanded its services to address the growing needs of its loyal client base. From its humble beginnings as a one-man-IT-shop, Technijian now employs teams of support staff and engineers in domestic and international offices. Technijian’s US-based office provides the primary line of communication for customers, ensuring each customer enjoys the personalized service for which Technijian has become known.

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