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Affordable. Credible. Convenient.

Access the infrastructure you need without the upfront investment.

Benefits of  leasing


Imagine the financing you need without the red tape. Technijian offers financing through unique financial programs designed to improve our client’s profitability. Technijian has become your one-stop financing source for all Technijian products as well as other equipment products for your business.


Use of the Asset While Financing

Technijian can offer bank rate financing through simple, convenient and flexible financial programs to improve our clients’ profitability. Technijian is your one-stop source for financing on all Technijian products as well as other capital equipment products.
Financing Terms

Extended Financing Terms

Many banks only lend money for a short term, usually 12 to 36 months. In lease arrangements, the term can be as long as 60 months, and in some cases, even longer.

conservation of Company Capital

Conservation of Company Capital

Because of the sizable cash outlay involved in purchasing new equipment many businesses lease to conserve capital.

Customized Pricing Programs

Leasing programs and procedures are specifically designed to take the red tape out of financing. A one-page application is often all that is required.


Purchase Options Available

At the end of the lease you may purchase the equipment at an agreed upon price ($1.00, 10% or FMV) or simply return the equipment.

fixed payments

Fixed Monthly Rates

Monthly payments on a lease are generally fixed for the entire term of the lease. This enables you to budget and manage equipment dollars for the months or years ahead.

100% Financing

100% Financing

Traditional methods of financing usually do not include “soft costs” such as set-up or installation, service contracts and delivery fees


Little to No Down Payment

Special programs reflect the unique financing needs of specific industries. Small up-front costs make leasing very attractive.

Special Programs

Special Programs

Marketing and pricing programs can be customized to reflect the different financing needs of various industries.

lease Line

Master Lease Line Of Credit

The master lease agreement provides for a “line of credit” to cover the acquisition of equipment over time from one or various vendors. The pricing is based on the total amount approved, thus giving lower rates to even the smallest part of the lease package.

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