Will We Still Have Laptop Computers in 2030?

The story of computing is one that involves progression and innovation. Yet the computers of today still roughly operate under the same principles that were developed in 1822 by Charles Babbage, and over 100 years later by Alan Turing. Is there anything that has changed? Something that has changed is the capacity of the computer, especially as it relates to a computer’s power and speed. While computers may still work on principles that were established many decades ago, computers have greater abilities than the computers that were being used during those times.

When we perform an in-depth review of the history of computers, we will see that the bulk of major events becomes even more impactful as we move ahead. This timeline is different compared to other inventions because the majority of creativity and innovation is completed early in the process, and anything added on after the early stages is purely cosmetic.

Computers have the ability and power to enable their own evolution. What does this mean? This means as computers become more powerful, they will have the ability to solve more problems that relate to their design. As a result, the technical progression of computers will be faster than other inventions. These are a few reasons why many people have questions about the state of laptop computers moving forward? Should we anticipate significant future changes in the capabilities of computers? Will we still have laptop computers in 2030?

Laptop Computers: Now vs. Then

You might look at a laptop that was released decades ago, compare it to one of the latest models of laptops, and wonder: how many things have changed since then? Simply put, quite a bit has changed.

Can you imagine touching a laptop screen a couple of decades ago? You would likely be given a weird look or given an earful for putting your fingerprints on the screen of the laptop. Today, many people prefer to purchase laptops that are touchscreen compatible. Touchscreen laptops have paved the way for a variety of laptop and smart tablet designs.

When you compare the design of laptops a decade ago to today’s laptops, you will notice a vast difference, especially the size of the devices. You will find that today’s devices are more slender in contrast to the bulky designs of previous laptop computers. Many things have changed, but we are anticipating greater changes on the horizon.

Will There Be Laptop Computers in 2030?

Many people will say we are inching closer to the end of the laptop computer era, but there are others who would strongly disagree. We understand that more people are will prefer to spend time on their smartphones and tablets instead of using Windows or Mac OS-based laptop computers. However, what happens when it is time for someone to take on tasks that are best completed on a laptop computer, particularly tasks that will require multitasking. While the size and shape of laptop computers in 2030 may not be the size they are now, there will still be a need for laptop computers across many industries. Some smartphone users and tablet users may try to make a case that laptop computers are becoming the new PCs because of the enhancements that are being made, but many users will still have a need for laptop computers if they are looking for a device that packs major power and is multitasking friendly.

Tomorrow’s Computers

We think it is safe to say that by 2030, there will be laptop computers in some capacity and they will be better at doing the same jobs they are doing in 2021. We anticipate that laptop computers in 2030 will not only be faster and powerful, but slimmer and more lightweight. While there will still be laptop computers in development long the today’s lines, there will likely be a major difference in the price point. Users can look forward to computers that are more intelligent; laptop computers will likely be able to make predictions about our habits and actions, likely predicting what tasks users want to complete without saying or doing anything. Users will likely be able to talk to their computers as improvements are made to speech recognition.

When Will Consumers Have Quantum Computers?

Quantum computers will make an entrance, and it will certainly be an impactful entrance. Even in its early stages, the technology in quantum computers will outperform the traditional competition. Quantum computing has the potential to permanently transform multiple sectors. There are many people who believe we will be able to purchase our own computers by 2030, or sometimes in the 2030s.

However, there are some predictions that this could happen in the 2040s or 2050s. If you were to perform a survey on quantum computer purchases, the survey would likely show that quantum computers are currently out of the price range of many users who are interested in quantum computers. There is a belief that toward the end of the 2030s the price tag of quantum computers will be reduced to a more affordable cost for many users.

Technology continues to move at a rapid rate, and this makes it impossible for anyone to accurately predict what the future will be like for laptop computers. If there are still laptop computers in 2030, what will the laptop computers look like? What can be determined is that if there are laptop computers in 2030, the laptop computers will have a major impact on the lives of individuals, businesses, and organizations. From quantum computing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and the Internet of Things, major changes are certainly coming.

What do you think business technology will look like in 2030? Do you think there will still be laptops in 2030? If you need help to review your current IT infrastructure and respond to any changes or issues you find, contact Technijian today.

We can help your business or organization with all your technology service needs. We can also help you plan for the future. Schedule your free consultation today by calling us (949) 379-8500(Orange County)or emailing us at [email protected].

Ravi JainAuthor posts

Technijian was founded in November of 2000 by Ravi Jain with the goal of providing technology support for small to midsize companies. As the company grew in size, it also expanded its services to address the growing needs of its loyal client base. From its humble beginnings as a one-man-IT-shop, Technijian now employs teams of support staff and engineers in domestic and international offices. Technijian’s US-based office provides the primary line of communication for customers, ensuring each customer enjoys the personalized service for which Technijian has become known.

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