How IT Support Companies in Irvine Can Help You Facilitate Software Updates

How IT Support Companies in Irvine Can Help You Facilitate Software Updates

IT support companies in Irvine can help your business remain secure and efficient, factors which contribute to overall competitiveness. Just to get an idea, consider the WannaCry attack of 2017. This was launched by North Korea and affected businesses in 150+ countries. The ransomware worm entered systems through SMB (Server Message Block) ports. No user transgression of security protocols via email was required. If you had an SMB port that had not been patched, you became vulnerable. Said vulnerability became public knowledge in March of 2017, and the worm hit by May. But as soon as this information became public, patches were additionally instituted which helped many businesses to keep from being undermined. Today, many threats of this variety still exist, and a number of areas where patching or updates could help your business avoid disaster include:

  • Mac OS, Linux, and Windows operating systems
  • Applications of a primary use (Office, chat apps, etc.)
  • Plug-ins and web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
  • Firewalls, access points, networking equipment in general
  • Firmware needs
  • Mobile OS, such as that involved in Android and iOS
  • Mobile applications

A Moving Target

Now, it’s certainly possible to manage upgrades and patches internally, but you’re likely not going to be able to do a job that equals that of services through an MSP. IT support companies in Irvine work with multiple clients that have diverse needs, meaning they’ve got a larger perspective from which to draw in terms of patches and upgrades. Meanwhile, internal solutions only have resources available which are provided by the company that employs them. They don’t deal with disparate, diverse clients and their primary duties involve putting out tech fires via troubleshooting, keeping them from either properly facilitating upgrade solutions across the board or making core-centric technological advances for the businesses they represent.

This is further complicated by the fact that technology exponentially increases in itself every 18 months, said advances quickly trickling down to the public at large. If you’re not using an MSP to help you patch and upgrade operations, there’s a much greater likelihood that some necessary patch will slip through the cracks and your business could be unnecessarily tasked with managing the subsequent fallout. It makes a lot more sense to partner with an MSP.

How Does Stealth Penetration Testing Enhance Software Update Deployments?

At Technijian, we emphasize the importance of stealth penetration testing in our network security assessments, especially before deploying significant software updates. This testing approach simulates the actions of potential attackers without alerting internal IT teams, allowing us to evaluate the real-time effectiveness of existing security measures. By identifying vulnerabilities that could be exploited during software updates, we can proactively implement corrections, ensuring that our clients’ systems are not only up-to-date but also secured against emerging threats.

The Role of Microsoft Forefront TMG 2010 in Securing Software Updates

Microsoft Forefront TMG 2010 plays a crucial role in our security infrastructure by providing comprehensive protection capabilities such as application and network layer firewalls, URL filtering, and malware scanning. These features are vital when managing software updates, as they help protect against potential threats that can exploit network vulnerabilities during update periods. At Technijian, we leverage these tools to maintain a secure and robust environment for all software deployment activities.

Enhancing System Management with SCCM 2016 and SCDPM 2012

Our services extend to managing complex environments using tools like System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2016 and System Center Data Protection Manager (SCDPM) 2012. These platforms are essential for efficiently deploying software updates and managing data protection. Technijian provides expert consultation and technical support, ensuring that these systems are optimized to facilitate seamless software updates while maintaining system integrity and data security.

Advanced Security Monitoring with ProSight

Technijian’s adoption of ProSight Active Security Monitoring and Next Generation Endpoint Protection ensures that our clients’ networks are safeguarded during critical update processes. These services provide essential defenses against ransomware and other cyber threats, crucial during periods when systems may be vulnerable due to changes from updates. Our approach ensures that all endpoints, including mobile devices, are comprehensively protected, maintaining a secure and resilient network environment.

Leveraging Microsoft 365 Exchange Online to Streamline Updates

Implementing Microsoft 365 Exchange Online helps our clients reduce both hardware expenses and administrative burdens. By moving to a cloud-hosted environment, the need for physical server updates diminishes, simplifying the software update process. Technijian supports businesses in transitioning to this more efficient, cloud-based setup, offering continuous support to ensure smooth operation and integration.

Network Security Improvement with Check Point SandBlast

Check Point SandBlast is integral to Technijian’s strategy for enhancing network security, particularly in the context of software updates. By employing advanced threat prevention techniques, we ensure that vulnerabilities typically exposed during software updates are addressed proactively. This not only secures the update process but also fortifies the overall network defense against potential future attacks.

Establishing More Effective Upgrade Protocols

IT support companies in Irvine can help you institute and upgrade protocols that maintain the security and efficiency of your operations in a way which expands operational competitiveness. Contact us now at Technijian for upgrade and patching solutions, as well as a complete suite of business technology needs.

Ravi JainAuthor posts

Technijian was founded in November of 2000 by Ravi Jain with the goal of providing technology support for small to midsize companies. As the company grew in size, it also expanded its services to address the growing needs of its loyal client base. From its humble beginnings as a one-man-IT-shop, Technijian now employs teams of support staff and engineers in domestic and international offices. Technijian’s US-based office provides the primary line of communication for customers, ensuring each customer enjoys the personalized service for which Technijian has become known.

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