How a Managed Services Provider in Orange County Can Protect Your Financial Transactions

One of the many helpful security measures that a managed services provider in Orange County can set up is dual authentication. This technique involves using an email account or text message to send a one-time access code to authenticate a username and password. Here are other ways that an IT firm can help protect your digital assets:

Purpose of Dual Authentication

Dual authentication gives you an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for a hacker to penetrate your system. Without this extra layer, it’s possible for hacking software to crack a username and password over time after testing out millions of possibilities. The reason dual authentication is not more widely embraced is, many businesses view it as an unnecessary extra step. Yet, this extra step is favored by many MSPs, especially for transactions because it provides stronger protection.

How Dual Authentication Protects Transactions

As any reputable managed services provider in Orange County knows, financial transactions need as much security as possible. Hackers prey upon businesses that don’t keep up with modern technology just because they are easier to breach. Financial institutions have been known for not keeping pace with the latest digital technology, which makes them vulnerable.

The reason Equifax was hacked was that an employee login used the standard “admin/admin” for username and password. Such generic logins make it easy for hackers to attack. Online transactions contain highly confidential information, so it’s important to treat them with extreme care, especially in an age when any organization can be hacked.

Multi-Layered Security

In general, multi-layered security is the best strategy for keeping cybercriminals off your back. In other words, antivirus software alone is no longer sufficient protection for a network. Other security measures, such as firewalls and virtualization, can add even more layers of security. For maximum protection, 24/7 monitoring software can detect and block suspicious activity on your network.

Another layer of security can be added through educating employees about cybercrime. Many attacks occur because employees are fooled by phishing schemes in which hackers pose as trusted sources. They might invite the victim to click a link to a free video game that ends up unleashing malware or ransomware. Employees need to be warned to avoid exploring unknown websites or applications online because it’s possible to infect a network by clicking random links.

Perhaps the most proactive step that an MSP can take to protect a business is to constantly back up data and store it where it can be easily accessed. Developing a disaster recovery plan is essential so that you are prepared for any emergency. Your data should be backed up in multiple places so that you never need to negotiate with cybercriminals to regain access to your data. By making sure your data is well-protected, you can sleep better at night, confident that your business can’t be destroyed overnight.

An experienced managed services provider in Orange County can shield your digital assets from cybercriminals in many ways. Dual authentication is one of the most powerful ways to make hackers give up. Contact us now at Technijian to learn more about how we can protect your infrastructure so that you can concentrate on running your business.

Ravi JainAuthor posts

Technijian was founded in November of 2000 by Ravi Jain with the goal of providing technology support for small to midsize companies. As the company grew in size, it also expanded its services to address the growing needs of its loyal client base. From its humble beginnings as a one-man-IT-shop, Technijian now employs teams of support staff and engineers in domestic and international offices. Technijian’s US-based office provides the primary line of communication for customers, ensuring each customer enjoys the personalized service for which Technijian has become known.

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