Managed Services in Orange County Can Help You Prevent the Cost of Avoiding an Upgrade

Managed Services in Orange County Can Help You Prevent the Cost of Avoiding an Upgrade

Managed Services in Orange County Can Help You Prevent the Cost of Avoiding an Upgrade

Squeeze Too Tight and You’ll Lose Your Grip

Managed services in Orange County can help you maximize the utility of your technology systems by ensuring that you get the most use out of them, while also not maintaining them beyond obsolescence. Maintaining old systems too long— clinging too tightly— will eventually rescind your ability to properly control or benefit from them. There’s a “sweet spot” which differs from business to business, and without professional assistance, it can be difficult to determine just where your sweet spot lies.

Do your operations use primarily Windows or Macintosh applications? Believe it or not, some computers retain their value much longer than others. However, this value retention isn’t so much confined to a specific brand as it is to how the tech is used, how your company is expanding, and what your budgetary limitations are.

What’s definitely true is that you can keep obsolete systems in use long after they’ve quit being an asset to your company. In fact, this happens often. The reasons why maintaining systems beyond obsolescence is bad may surprise you.

Costs of Support and Maintenance

If you want to restore a classic car with a carburetor, you must find a mechanic that knows how to work on those old machines— that or learn how to initiate the repair yourself. This isn’t easy, and it’ll likely be more expensive. Computers are the same, but to an even greater degree.

According to Moore’s law, technology doubles on itself every 18 months or so. This means antiquated computer systems become antiquated quickly, and you may not be able to find a specialist, should you need one if you’ve failed to upgrade your systems in time. Here’s a development many business owners overlook: CDs and DVDs are being phased out these days. Operating system upgrades today are commonly conducted via download.

This phase-out transition won’t fully mature for a few more years, but eventually, disc-based systems will be as obsolete as the record. Not upgrading your systems will eventually make it so that you can’t upgrade your systems.

Security Losses

What’s harder to hack: a slide lock, a padlock, a combination lock, or an encryption? With each technological upgrade, security increases. But as things become more secure, hackers figure out new ways around such protection measures. A padlock is broken with bolt cutters. A combination lock is overcome by a safe cracker. These days, there are apps you can download on your phone which can hack encryption that isn’t to the highest standard. Refraining from upgrading here can really cost you. Managed services in Orange County should be able to help you apply the right level of security.

Decreased Performance

This is probably the most obvious downside of using tech systems until they become obsolete. An extra five seconds of load time on a web page could become an hour’s lost productivity on a daily basis.

Ensuring All Systems Are Up-To-Date

Managed services in Orange County provided through Technijian can help maintain the highest profitability by providing:

  • Cost-Effective Maintenance and Repair
  • Qualitative Security
  • Enhanced Performance

Optimization costs that are properly informed will be more profitable for you in the long run. Contact us for consultation that will help you find and maintain your ideal tech balance.

Ravi JainAuthor posts

Technijian was founded in November of 2000 by Ravi Jain with the goal of providing technology support for small to midsize companies. As the company grew in size, it also expanded its services to address the growing needs of its loyal client base. From its humble beginnings as a one-man-IT-shop, Technijian now employs teams of support staff and engineers in domestic and international offices. Technijian’s US-based office provides the primary line of communication for customers, ensuring each customer enjoys the personalized service for which Technijian has become known.

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